Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Alicia Brummeler | Everywhere God

Alicia Brummeler | Everywhere God

"When I look beyond my own circumstances and catch these other glimmers of how God is moving and acting in the world and in other peoples' lives, then I realize He is here with me..."—Alicia Brummeler

Episode 56 of Spirituality for Ordinary People features an interview with Alicia Brummeler. In it, we focus on her book, Everywhere God: Exploring the Ordinary Places. We discuss encountering God in when spiritually adrift, having or not having tangible experiences of God, encountering God in rituals, encountering God in literature.

Key Learnings

Having friends who sit with, pray with, or are present with you are so important.

Universalizing spiritual experience, particularly for others, in times of dryness, is not helpful.

Things to Think About

Do we trust that God is, in fact, at work even when we don't seem to experience God?

Spiritual Practices Discussed in this Episode

  • Journaling

  • Reading through the Psalms

  • Being Outside

  • Eating together with family

  • Reading

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Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Conversations with writers, artists, pastors, and other ordinary folk about about practicing the Christian faith.