Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
J. Dana Trent | A Skeptics Guide to Christian Meditation

J. Dana Trent | A Skeptics Guide to Christian Meditation

"Meditation is intentional about holding the space for listening for God's still small voice."—J. Dana Trent

Episode 69 of Spirituality for Ordinary People features another interview with J. Dana Trent.  Dana was on episode 67 speaking about the practice of Sabbath, and this time she is back sharing about Christian Meditation. She is a graduate of Duke Divinity School and professor of World Religions and Critical Thinking at Wake Tech Community College. An ordained Baptist minister and former hospital chaplain, her work has appeared on, and in Religion News Service, Sojourners, Religion Dispatches, and The Christian Century.

Key Learnings

The word "meditation" is in scripture. It means "to ponder," "to reflect."

Prayer is about talking to God, Meditation is about listening. It is about holding space to listen for the still, small voice of God.

Meditation has physiological benefits, including the body's ability to calm itself.

Things to Think About

What can you do to create space to breathe and listen for God?

Spiritual Practices Discussed in this Episode

Breath Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

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Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Conversations with writers, artists, pastors, and other ordinary folk about about practicing the Christian faith.