Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Michelle Van Loon | Born to Wander

Michelle Van Loon | Born to Wander

"There is a part of discipleship that always leaves us in motion, even if we've lived in the same place our entire lives"—Michelle Van Loon

Episode 62 of Spirituality for Ordinary People features an interview with Michelle Van Loon. Since coming to faith in Christ at the tail end of the Jesus Movement, Michelle’s Jewish heritage, spiritual hunger, and storyteller's sensibilities have shaped her faith journey and informed her writing. She is the author of five books and a regular contributor to Christianity Today's women's blog, In Touch magazine, and is the co-founder of, a website for midlife women and men.

Key Learnings

The vocational questions of early adulthood change as we move into the second half of life, moving more toward questions of character.

"A pilgrim is formed by the question 'do I trust God?'"

Every time there is an exile in Scripture it is meant to transform us. "Exile is never the destination, pilgrimage is."

"Moral pilgrimage" is the exterior way that we are living out our obedience to God, and it IS a journey.

We find ways to talk about ambition and comfort that sound "biblically acceptable."

Things to Think About

What are the key questions you are dealing with at this time in your life?

How might you be wandering? What is the possibility for transformation at this time?

There is a map for life, but the map is like a blank page that we discover by taking steps.

Spiritual Practices Discussed in this Episode

Daily Bible Reading using the St. James Daily Devotional

Writing as prayer and worship

Intentional conversation with others

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Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Conversations with writers, artists, pastors, and other ordinary folk about about practicing the Christian faith.