Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Peter Bush | On Being Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada

Peter Bush | On Being Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada



Episode 49 features an interview with Rev. Peter Bush. Peter is serving a one year term as the moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He is the minister at Westwood Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg and the author of several books. He is passionate about congregations and individuals living the love of Jesus in action and telling the story of Jesus in words.

Peter has a heart for small congregations, having led workshops, coached leadership teams and offered training events to help small congregations thrive in remote, rural, suburban and urban contexts. To this end he has authored two books, In Dying we are Born (Alban, 2008) and with Christine O’Reilly, Where Twenty or Thirty are Gathered (Alban, 2006).

Some of What We Talk About

  • How interactions on social media have been among the most surprising things about his year as moderator.

  • Why his prayers as the moderator have struck such a chord across the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

  • The value of prayers that are timely and responsive to the actual realities of our world and lives.

  • What is it that drives his passion for the number of things he is passionate about.

  • How we need to remember the 1994 confession of the Presbyterian Church to Indigenous People.

  • The importance of having conversation and real relationship with Indigenous Peoples in our neighbourhoods and communities, as congregations and individuals.

  • Why is history so important (including a fun anecdote about James Robertson!) and how it can teach us humility.

  • Loving the Bible and whether there can be connections between devotional life and sermon preparation.

  • Being spiritual fed through reading.

  • The intentionality of writing prayers and having set times to pray.

  • The importance of a diversity of ways to pray.

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Noticing Delight
Spirituality for Ordinary People
Conversations with writers, artists, pastors, and other ordinary folk about about practicing the Christian faith.